
再贺!9I班邓舒笑同学“自动切换多端口定时充电器”获 第31届全国青少年科技创新大赛“铜牌”


DANIEL DENG ‘s Automatic Switching multi- port Timing Charger has been awarded the Bronze Medal of the 31th China Adolescents Science &Technology Invention Contest on 18th,August!




The 31th China Adolescents Science &Technology Invention Contest started on 14th, August, which lasted seven days. The opening ceremony was held in Shanghai East China Normal University. There are more than 30 provinces and cities in Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, total 500 competitors to participate the contest. Meanwhile, 70 representatives from 15 countries like America, Germany, France, Japan, Russia and others.1500 visitors from observation mission, media joined the Contest. The government and universities valued the creativity, technology and courage from the adolescents in the contest and gave much support on the affairs.


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